package swagger
Linear Supertypes
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- By Inheritance
- swagger
- AnyRef
- Any
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Type Members
- trait AllowableValues extends AnyRef
- case class Api (apiVersion: String, swaggerVersion: String, resourcePath: String, description: Option[String] = None, produces: List[String] = Nil, consumes: List[String] = Nil, protocols: List[String] = Nil, apis: List[Endpoint] = Nil, models: Map[String, Model] = Map.empty, authorizations: List[String] = Nil, position: Int = 0) extends SwaggerApi[Endpoint] with Product with Serializable
- case class ApiInfo (title: String, description: String, termsOfServiceUrl: String, contact: String, license: String, licenseUrl: String) extends Product with Serializable
- case class ApiKey (keyname: String, passAs: String = "header", description: String = "") extends AuthorizationType with Product with Serializable
- case class ApiListingReference (path: String, description: Option[String] = None, position: Int = 0) extends Product with Serializable
- case class ApplicationGrant (tokenEndpoint: TokenEndpoint) extends GrantType with Product with Serializable
- case class AuthApi [TypeForUser <: AnyRef](apiVersion: String, swaggerVersion: String, resourcePath: String, description: Option[String] = None, produces: List[String] = Nil, consumes: List[String] = Nil, protocols: List[String] = Nil, apis: List[AuthEndpoint[TypeForUser]] = Nil, models: Map[String, Model] = Map.empty, authorizations: List[String] = Nil, position: Int = 0) extends SwaggerApi[AuthEndpoint[TypeForUser]] with Product with Serializable
- case class AuthEndpoint [TypeForUser <: AnyRef](path: String, description: Option[String] = None, operations: List[AuthOperation[TypeForUser]] = Nil) extends SwaggerEndpoint[AuthOperation[TypeForUser]] with Product with Serializable
- case class AuthOperation [TypeForUser <: AnyRef](method: HttpMethod, responseClass: DataType, summary: String, position: Int, notes: Option[String] = None, deprecated: Boolean = false, nickname: Option[String] = None, parameters: List[Parameter] = Nil, responseMessages: List[ResponseMessage] = Nil, consumes: List[String] = Nil, produces: List[String] = Nil, protocols: List[String] = Nil, authorizations: List[String] = Nil, tags: List[String] = Nil, allows: (Option[TypeForUser]) ⇒ Boolean = (_: Option[TypeForUser]) => true) extends SwaggerOperation with Product with Serializable
- case class AuthorizationCodeGrant (tokenRequestEndpoint: TokenRequestEndpoint, tokenEndpoint: TokenEndpoint) extends GrantType with Product with Serializable
- trait AuthorizationType extends AnyRef
- sealed trait DataType extends AnyRef
- case class Endpoint (path: String, description: Option[String] = None, operations: List[Operation] = Nil) extends SwaggerEndpoint[Operation] with Product with Serializable
- trait GrantType extends AnyRef
- case class ImplicitGrant (loginEndpoint: LoginEndpoint, tokenName: String) extends GrantType with Product with Serializable
- trait JacksonSwaggerBase extends ScalatraBase with JacksonJsonSupport with CorsSupport with SwaggerBase
- case class LoginEndpoint (url: String) extends Product with Serializable
- case class Model (id: String, name: String, qualifiedName: Option[String] = None, description: Option[String] = None, properties: List[(String, ModelProperty)] = Nil, baseModel: Option[String] = None, discriminator: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable
- case class ModelProperty (type: DataType, position: Int = 0, required: Boolean = false, description: Option[String] = None, allowableValues: AllowableValues = AllowableValues.AnyValue, items: Option[ModelRef] = None) extends Product with Serializable
- case class ModelRef (type: String, ref: Option[String] = None, qualifiedType: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable
- trait NativeSwaggerBase extends ScalatraBase with NativeJsonSupport with CorsSupport with SwaggerBase
- case class OAuth (scopes: List[String], grantTypes: List[GrantType], keyname: String = "oauth2", description: String = "") extends AuthorizationType with Product with Serializable
- case class Operation (method: HttpMethod, responseClass: DataType, summary: String, position: Int, notes: Option[String] = None, deprecated: Boolean = false, nickname: Option[String] = None, parameters: List[Parameter] = Nil, responseMessages: List[ResponseMessage] = Nil, consumes: List[String] = Nil, produces: List[String] = Nil, protocols: List[String] = Nil, authorizations: List[String] = Nil, tags: List[String] = Nil) extends SwaggerOperation with Product with Serializable
- case class Parameter (name: String, type: DataType, description: Option[String] = None, notes: Option[String] = None, paramType: ParamType.ParamType = ParamType.Query, defaultValue: Option[String] = None, allowableValues: AllowableValues = AllowableValues.AnyValue, required: Boolean = true, paramAccess: Option[String] = None, position: Int = 0) extends Product with Serializable
- case class ResourceListing (apiVersion: String, swaggerVersion: String = Swagger.SpecVersion, apis: List[ApiListingReference] = Nil, authorizations: List[AuthorizationType] = Nil, info: Option[ApiInfo] = None) extends Product with Serializable
- case class ResponseMessage (code: Int, message: String, responseModel: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable
extends SwaggerEngine[Api]
An instance of this class is used to hold the API documentation.
- trait SwaggerApi [T <: SwaggerEndpoint[_]] extends AnyRef
- trait SwaggerAuthBase [TypeForUser <: AnyRef] extends SwaggerBaseBase
- trait SwaggerAuthSupport [TypeForUser <: AnyRef] extends SwaggerSupportBase with SwaggerSupportSyntax
- trait SwaggerBase extends SwaggerBaseBase
extends Initializable with ScalatraBase
Trait that serves the resource and operation listings, as specified by the Swagger specification.
- trait SwaggerCommandSupport extends AnyRef
- trait SwaggerEndpoint [T <: SwaggerOperation] extends AnyRef
- trait SwaggerEngine [T <: SwaggerApi[_]] extends AnyRef
- trait SwaggerOperation extends AnyRef
extends ScalatraBase with SwaggerSupportBase with SwaggerSupportSyntax
Provides the necessary support for adding documentation to your routes.
- trait SwaggerSupportBase extends AnyRef
- trait SwaggerSupportSyntax extends Initializable with CorsSupport
- class SwaggerWithAuth extends SwaggerEngine[AuthApi[AnyRef]]
- case class TokenEndpoint (url: String, tokenName: String) extends Product with Serializable
- case class TokenRequestEndpoint (url: String, clientIdName: String, clientSecretName: String) extends Product with Serializable
Value Members
- object AllowableValues
- object AuthApi extends Serializable
- object DataType
- object ParamType extends Enumeration
- object Swagger
- object SwaggerAuthSerializers
- object SwaggerCommandSupport
- object SwaggerSerializers
- object SwaggerSupportSyntax
- object Symbols
- object annotations