



package atmosphere

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. atmosphere
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type AtmoReceive = PartialFunction[InboundMessage, Unit]
  2. trait AtmosphereClient extends AtmosphereClientFilters

    Provides a handle for a single Atmosphere connection.

    Provides a handle for a single Atmosphere connection.

    Each browser or other device which connects to an atmosphere route is assigned its own AtmosphereClient, with a uuid. This is a good bet for subclassing if you need to implement your own message distribution logic. Subclasses may define their own ClientFilter logic in addition to the stock ClientFilters already defined, in order to segment message delivery.

  3. trait AtmosphereClientFilters extends Serializable

    Useful filters to limit who receives broadcasts.

  4. trait AtmosphereSupport extends Initializable with Handler with CometProcessor with HttpEventServlet with CometProcessor with ScalatraAsyncSupport
  5. case class BinaryMessage (content: Array[Byte]) extends ProtocolMessage[Array[Byte]] with Product with Serializable

    A message representing an array of bytes sent to/received from a remote party.

    A message representing an array of bytes sent to/received from a remote party.


    An Array of Bytes representing the content of the message

  6. abstract class ClientFilter extends Function[AtmosphereResource, Boolean]
  7. final class DefaultScalatraBroadcaster extends DefaultBroadcaster with ScalatraBroadcaster
  8. case class Disconnected (who: Disconnector, cause: Option[Throwable]) extends InboundMessage with Product with Serializable

    A callback event signaling that the connection has ended, if the cause was an exception thrown then the cause object will be filled in.

    A callback event signaling that the connection has ended, if the cause was an exception thrown then the cause object will be filled in.


    A scala.Option of java.lang.Throwable

  9. sealed trait Disconnector extends AnyRef
  10. case class Error (cause: Option[Throwable]) extends InboundMessage with Product with Serializable

    A callback event signaling that an error has occurred.

    A callback event signaling that an error has occurred. if the error was an exception thrown then the cause object will be filled in.


    A scala.Option of java.lang.Throwable

  11. class Everyone extends ClientFilter
  12. sealed trait InboundMessage extends AnyRef

    A marker trait for inbound messages

  13. class JacksonSimpleWireformat extends SimpleJsonWireFormat with JsonMethods
  14. case class JsonMessage (content: JValue) extends ProtocolMessage[JValue] with Product with Serializable

    A message representing a json object sent to/received from a remote party.

    A message representing a json object sent to/received from a remote party.


    A org.json4s.JValue object

  15. class Message extends AnyRef
  16. class NativeSimpleWireFormat extends SimpleJsonWireFormat with JsonMethods
  17. class OnlySelf extends ClientFilter
  18. sealed trait OutboundMessage extends AnyRef

    A marker trait for outbound messages

  19. trait ProtocolMessage [T] extends InboundMessage with OutboundMessage

    A base trait for creating messages of different content types

    A base trait for creating messages of different content types


    The type of content this protocol message represents

  20. final class RedisScalatraBroadcaster extends RedisBroadcaster with ScalatraBroadcaster
  21. class ScalatraAtmosphereException extends ScalatraException
  22. class ScalatraAtmosphereFramework extends AtmosphereFramework
  23. class ScalatraAtmosphereHandler extends AbstractReflectorAtmosphereHandler
  24. trait ScalatraBroadcaster extends Broadcaster
  25. abstract class SimpleJsonWireFormat extends WireFormat

    A protocol format that is just plain and simple json.

    A protocol format that is just plain and simple json. This protocol doesn't support acking. It looks at the first character in the message and if it thinks it's JSON it will try to parse it as JSON otherwise it creates a text message

  26. class SkipSelf extends ClientFilter
  27. case class TextMessage (content: String) extends ProtocolMessage[String] with Product with Serializable

    A message representing a text object sent to/received from a remote party.

    A message representing a text object sent to/received from a remote party.


    A scala.Predef.String representing the content of the message

  28. trait WireFormat extends AnyRef

    The interface trait for a wire format.

    The interface trait for a wire format. Creating a new wire format means implementing these 3 methods.

Value Members

  1. val ActorSystemKey: String
  2. val AtmosphereClientKey: String
  3. val AtmosphereRouteKey: String
  4. val TrackMessageSize: String
  5. implicit def atmoResourceWithClient(res: AtmosphereResource): AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }
  6. object AtmosphereClient extends Serializable
  7. object ClientDisconnected extends Disconnector with Product with Serializable
  8. object Connected extends InboundMessage with Product with Serializable

    A callback event signaling that the connection has been fully established.

    A callback event signaling that the connection has been fully established. This means that any handshakes have been completed successfully too.

    When you receive this callback message you can be sure there is someone on the other end.

  9. object Heartbeat extends InboundMessage with Product with Serializable

    A callback event signaling a heartbeat

    A callback event signaling a heartbeat

    When you receive this heartbeat message you can be sure there is someone on the other end.

  10. object ScalatraAtmosphereHandler
  11. object ServerDisconnected extends Disconnector with Product with Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
