


case class HttpServletRequestReadOnly(originalRequest: HttpServletRequest) extends HttpServletRequestWrapper with Product with Serializable

Read-only immutable wrapper for an HttpServletRequest that can, for the most part, be passed around to different threads.

This is necessary because ServletContainers will "recycle" a request once the original HTTP thread is returned, meaning that a lot of attributes are set to null (in the case of Jetty).

Limitations of this class include the following:

  • it is mostly immutable (methods on the original request are not given stable values, nor are methods that return non-primitive types)
  • changes made to the original object or this object may not be reflected across threads

the original HttpServletRequest to wrap

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, HttpServletRequestWrapper, HttpServletRequest, ServletRequestWrapper, ServletRequest, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. HttpServletRequestReadOnly
  2. Serializable
  3. Serializable
  4. Product
  5. Equals
  6. HttpServletRequestWrapper
  7. HttpServletRequest
  8. ServletRequestWrapper
  9. ServletRequest
  10. AnyRef
  11. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new HttpServletRequestReadOnly(originalRequest: HttpServletRequest)


    the original HttpServletRequest to wrap

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  5. def authenticate(arg0: HttpServletResponse): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
    @throws( ... ) @throws( classOf[java.io.IOException] )
  6. def changeSessionId(): String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  7. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  8. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  9. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  10. def getAsyncContext(): AsyncContext
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  11. def getAttribute(arg0: String): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  12. def getAttributeNames(): Enumeration[String]
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  13. val getAuthType: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  14. val getCharacterEncoding: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  15. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  16. val getContentLength: Int
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  17. val getContentLengthLong: Long
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  18. val getContentType: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  19. val getContextPath: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  20. def getCookies(): Array[javax.servlet.http.Cookie]
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  21. def getDateHeader(arg0: String): Long
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  22. def getDispatcherType(): DispatcherType
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  23. def getHeader(arg0: String): String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  24. def getHeaderNames(): Enumeration[String]
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  25. def getHeaders(arg0: String): Enumeration[String]
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  26. def getInputStream(): ServletInputStream
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
    @throws( classOf[java.io.IOException] )
  27. def getIntHeader(arg0: String): Int
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  28. val getLocalAddr: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  29. val getLocalName: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  30. val getLocalPort: Int
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  31. def getLocale(): Locale
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  32. def getLocales(): Enumeration[Locale]
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  33. val getMethod: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  34. def getParameter(arg0: String): String
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  35. def getParameterMap(): Map[String, Array[String]]
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  36. def getParameterNames(): Enumeration[String]
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  37. def getParameterValues(arg0: String): Array[String]
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  38. def getPart(arg0: String): Part
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
    @throws( ... ) @throws( classOf[java.io.IOException] )
  39. def getParts(): Collection[Part]
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
    @throws( ... ) @throws( classOf[java.io.IOException] )
  40. val getPathInfo: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  41. val getPathTranslated: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  42. val getProtocol: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  43. val getQueryString: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  44. def getReader(): BufferedReader
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
    @throws( classOf[java.io.IOException] )
  45. val getRemoteAddr: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  46. val getRemoteHost: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  47. val getRemotePort: Int
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  48. val getRemoteUser: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  49. def getRequest(): ServletRequest
    Definition Classes
  50. def getRequestDispatcher(arg0: String): RequestDispatcher
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  51. val getRequestURI: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  52. def getRequestURL(): StringBuffer
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  53. val getRequestedSessionId: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  54. val getScheme: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  55. val getServerName: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  56. val getServerPort: Int
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  57. def getServletContext(): ServletContext
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  58. val getServletPath: String
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  59. def getSession(): HttpSession
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  60. def getSession(arg0: Boolean): HttpSession
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  61. def getUserPrincipal(): Principal
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  62. val isAsyncStarted: Boolean
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  63. val isAsyncSupported: Boolean
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  64. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  65. val isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie: Boolean
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  66. val isRequestedSessionIdFromURL: Boolean
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  67. val isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl: Boolean
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  68. val isRequestedSessionIdValid: Boolean
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  69. val isSecure: Boolean
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestReadOnly → ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  70. def isUserInRole(arg0: String): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
  71. def isWrapperFor(arg0: Class[_]): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  72. def isWrapperFor(arg0: ServletRequest): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  73. def login(arg0: String, arg1: String): Unit
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
    @throws( ... )
  74. def logout(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
    @throws( ... )
  75. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  76. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  77. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  78. def removeAttribute(arg0: String): Unit
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  79. def setAttribute(arg0: String, arg1: Any): Unit
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
  80. def setCharacterEncoding(arg0: String): Unit
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
    @throws( ... )
  81. def setRequest(arg0: ServletRequest): Unit
    Definition Classes
  82. def startAsync(arg0: ServletRequest, arg1: ServletResponse): AsyncContext
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
    @throws( ... )
  83. def startAsync(): AsyncContext
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest
    @throws( ... )
  84. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  85. def upgrade[T <: HttpUpgradeHandler](arg0: Class[T]): T
    Definition Classes
    HttpServletRequestWrapper → HttpServletRequest
    @throws( ... ) @throws( classOf[java.io.IOException] )
  86. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  87. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  88. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def getRealPath(arg0: String): String
    Definition Classes
    ServletRequestWrapper → ServletRequest

    (Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Product

Inherited from Equals

Inherited from HttpServletRequestWrapper

Inherited from HttpServletRequest

Inherited from ServletRequestWrapper

Inherited from ServletRequest

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
