
Scalatra has a built-in integration with Atmosphere, the asynchronous websocket/comet framework. Atmosphere allows you to keep a persistent connection alive between the server and the user’s browser (or other user-agents). You can push new information to your user at any time, without a page refresh.

It’s carefree server push for the JVM.

Atmosphere example app

See scalatra-atmosphere-example for a minimal and standalone project containing the example in this guide.

Generating the app

Generate a project using sbt new scalatra/scalatra.g8, and call your initial servlet ChatController.

You’ll need to do a few things to a default Scalatra project in order to get it ready for use with Atmosphere.


The following dependencies will be needed to make the sample application work.

  "org.json4s"                  %% "json4s-jackson"      % "3.5.2",
  "org.scalatra"                %% "scalatra"            % "2.6.5",
  "org.scalatra"                %% "scalatra-scalate"    % "2.6.5",
  "org.scalatra"                %% "scalatra-specs2"     % "2.6.5"  % "test",
  "org.scalatra"                %% "scalatra-atmosphere" % "2.6.5",
  "ch.qos.logback"              %  "logback-classic"     % "1.2.3"   % "runtime",
  "org.eclipse.jetty"           %  "jetty-plus"          % "9.4.6.v20170531"     % "container;provided",
  "org.eclipse.jetty"           %  "jetty-webapp"        % "9.4.6.v20170531"     % "container",
  "org.eclipse.jetty.websocket" %  "websocket-server"    % "9.4.6.v20170531"     % "container;provided",
  "javax.servlet"               %  "javax.servlet-api"   % "3.1.0"   % "container;provided;test" artifacts Artifact("javax.servlet-api", "jar", "jar")


Your imports should look like this:

package org.scalatra.example.atmosphere

import java.util.Date

import org.json4s.JsonDSL._
import org.json4s._
import org.scalatra._
import org.scalatra.atmosphere._
import org.scalatra.json.{JValueResult, JacksonJsonSupport}
import org.scalatra.scalate.ScalateSupport


Writing the ChatController

The basic setup of an Atmosphere-enabled servlet and route looks like this:

class ChatController extends ScalatraServlet
  with ScalateSupport with JValueResult
  with JacksonJsonSupport with SessionSupport
  with AtmosphereSupport {

  atmosphere("/the-chat") {
    new AtmosphereClient {
      def receive = {
          case Connected =>
          case Disconnected(disconnector, Some(error)) =>
          case Error(Some(error)) =>
          case TextMessage(text) => send("ECHO: " + text)
          case JsonMessage(json) => broadcast(json)

The AtmosphereSupport trait adds a new kind of route matcher to your controller, sitting alongside the regular HTTP get, put, post, delete and friends: you’ve now got an atmosphere route type, which can be used to bind persistent socket connections to your application.

Inside the atmosphere route, you instantiate a new AtmosphereClient and define a receive method, which listens for events.

One AtmosphereClient is instantiated per connected user. It’s worth taking a look at the ScalaDocs and source for AtmosphereClient to see what it can do.

As you can see, there are quite a few kinds of events which Scalatra’s atmosphere integration can deal with:

  • Connected
  • Disconnected
  • Error
  • TextMessage
  • JsonMessage

Scala pattern matching is used to detect which type of event has occurred, and the function for each case can be set to do something about the event. For instance, you might want to broadcast a message to all connected clients when a new client connects:

  case Connected =>

You can notify clients with an implementation like this:

  case Connected =>
    println("Client %s is connected" format uuid)
    broadcast(("author" -> "Someone") ~ ("message" -> "joined the room") ~ ("time" -> (new Date().getTime.toString )), Everyone)

The uuid in that code comes from the AtmosphereClient instance - each connected user gets its own client with a unique identifier, and Scalatra keeps a list of atmosphere clients which are connected to a given atmosphere route.

Let’s see sample code for all of the Atmosphere event types:

atmosphere("/the-chat") {
    new AtmosphereClient {
      def receive: AtmoReceive = {
        case Connected =>
          println("Client %s is connected" format uuid)
          broadcast(("author" -> "Someone") ~ ("message" -> "joined the room") ~ ("time" -> (new Date().getTime.toString )), Everyone)

        case Disconnected(ClientDisconnected, _) =>
          broadcast(("author" -> "Someone") ~ ("message" -> "has left the room") ~ ("time" -> (new Date().getTime.toString )), Everyone)

        case Disconnected(ServerDisconnected, _) =>
          println("Server disconnected the client %s" format uuid)
        case _: TextMessage =>
          send(("author" -> "system") ~ ("message" -> "Only json is allowed") ~ ("time" -> (new Date().getTime.toString )))

        case JsonMessage(json) =>
          println("Got message %s from %s".format((json \ "message").extract[String], (json \ "author").extract[String]))
          val msg = json merge (("time" -> (new Date().getTime().toString)): JValue)
          broadcast(msg) // by default a broadcast is to everyone but self
          //  send(msg) // also send to the sender

  error {
    case t: Throwable => t.printStackTrace()

The ~ operator is used quite a bit there. It’s a JSON operator which turns ("name" -> "joe") ~ ("age" -> 35) into {"name":"joe","age":35}.

That’s pretty much it on the server side.

JavaScript client

Browser clients can connect to the atmosphere route using a JavaScript client.

Atmosphere has its own connection library, which will assess the browser client it’s hosted in and figure out which of the available transport types will work, falling back as necessary to maintain connectivity in a wide range of possible clients.

You’re strongly advised to read Atmosphere’s extensive documentation in order to understand your connection options.

Besides the basic connectivity provided by the Atmosphere connector, you’ll need to provide your own application-specific logic, also in JavaScript. Here’s an application.js file for our chat application:

Drop that code into webapp/js/atmosphere.js, and put the Atmosphere JavaScript client alongside it, and you’ve got a working client implementation.

A few key points in application.js.

The first part of the code demonstrates the detection of available capabilities in the user’s browser. It loops through an array of available transports and checks each one to see if it’s supported, then outputs what it finds into the page.

The code then makes an initial request to our atmosphere route at atmosphere("/the-chat"), and sets up callbacks for onOpen, onLocalMessage, onTransportFailure, onReconnect, onMessage, onClose, and onError events. Check the Atmosphere docs to see what each of these mean.

Lastly, there’s a simple key-press detection which sends a chat message to the server whenever the enter key is pressed.

With all of this in place, you can add a few Scalate views to your chat application and it’s all done. The example application has a default layout and action which will serve up a browser-based chat client.

You should be able to connect to it from any browser which supports JavaScript. Try opening several different browsers (e.g. Firefox and Chrome) and signing in as different users, then chat to each other by going to http://localhost:8080/ and hitting the running application. You can also open multiple tabs in the same browser to see Atmosphere detect multiple local instances and use its onLocalMessage handler.

Segmenting message delivery

You can easily decide which connected clients you’d like to send a given message to.

By default, the AtmosphereClient’s broadcast method mimics standard chat server functionality - calling broadcast(message) sends the supplied message to all connected users except the current one.

The send(message) method does exactly the opposite: it sends the message to only the current client.

The AtmosphereClient implements several default filters so that it can decide which clients should receive a message:

  final protected def SkipSelf: ClientFilter = _.uuid != uuid
  final protected def OnlySelf: ClientFilter = _.uuid == uuid
  final protected val Everyone: ClientFilter = _ => true

If you need to segment message delivery further than this, for example in order to enforce security rules, you can subclass AtmosphereClient and implement your own ClientFilters:

class SecureClient extends AtmosphereClient {

  // adminUuids is a collection of uuids for admin users. You'd need to
  // add each admin user's uuid to the list at connection time.
  final protected def OnlyAdmins: ClientFilter = adminUuids.contains(_.uuid)

   * Broadcast a message to admin users only.
  def adminBroadcast(msg) {
    broadcast(msg, OnlyAdmins)

You could then use SecureClient in your atmosphere route instead of the default AtmosphereClient:

atmosphere("/the-chat") {
  new SecureClient {
    // your events would go here.

Cleaning up the case statements

This subclassing approach is also an excellent way to clean up the code in your pattern matching blocks. If it starts getting out of hand, you can put whatever methods you need in your AtmosphereClient subclass and end up with something like this:

class MyClient extends AtmosphereClient {

  def broadcastMessage(json: String) {
    println("Got message %s from %s".format((json \ "message").extract[String], (json \ "author").extract[String]))
    val msg = json merge (("time" -> (new Date().getTime().toString)): JValue)


And you’d use it like this:

atmosphere("/the-chat") {
  new MyClient {
    def receive = {
      // Let's use our new broadcastMessage function from MyClient:
      case JsonMessage(json) => broadcastMessage(json)

      // ... implement other message types

Broadcasting server-side events

Atmosphere event sources don’t necessarily need to be other Atmosphere connections.

You could, for instance, use an AMQP message queue to broadcast events to connected browser clients whenever your application receives a given message type. You could broadcast messages to all connected clients, or to a selected group of clients, when a database record was updated, or when a user’s friend logged in.

Each Scalatra servlet that registers an Atmosphere route gets access to an AtmosphereClient object, which can act as a broadcaster.

So if you have a servlet that has 3 Atmosphere routes, and it’s mounted at /real-time-buzz, you can send messages to all connected clients with AtmosphereClient.broadcast("/real-time-buzz/fizz", message), where atmosphere("/fizz") is one of the available routes.

Alternately, you can send to all the connected clients of all 3 endpoints in the /real-time-buzz servlet AtmosphereClient.broadcast("/real-time-buzz", message).

Lastly, you can send a message to all connected clients in all Atmosphere servlets with AtmosphereClient.broadcastAll(message).

Pattern matching on Atmosphere messages

It’s possible (and in fact encouraged) to do sophisticated pattern matching on Atmosphere message types in order to simplify your application code.

This gives you a very flat and extensible way of dealing with many messages without having to serialize them into actual model classes.

case JsonMessage(JObject(JField("type", JString("event_1")) :: fields) =>
case JsonMessage(args @ JObject(JField("type", JString("event_1")) :: fields) =>

Wire formats

Data travelling between the browser and the websocket server needs to be in a defined transport format, called a wire format, before it reaches the Atmosphere client.

You can define your own wire formats by extending the WireFormat trait. To create a new wire format, extend WireFormat and implement its methods in your subclass.

Building an embedded Scalatra + Atmosphere application

If you need to build your Atmosphere application to run embedded within Jetty, there’s a full code example showing you how, in the Scalatra Website Examples repo on Github.

Once you check out the code, you can build an embedded Atmosphere-enabled app which runs under Jetty, by calling the stage task once you’re in SBT. This will package a start script for you - it can be run by calling target/start from the top-level project directory. It depends on the sbt-native-packager plugin.